The non-profit company I work for is in great need of replacing their current Toshiba DK-280 Strata phone system. The person/company that installed it is no where to be found and no one knows the passwords to the voicemail administration or the KSU.

We have a T1 with 9 lines used for voice, 4 fax lines and a credit card machine line.

After getting quotes from various vendors and presenting them to the business manager, the decision was turned down due to the cost.

With that said, I'm really a hands on person and feel I could install a system, however the ability to have it running quickly would be the issue. The personnel in organization use the phones heavily.

Can someone give me a recommendation on a system that has very good documentation in way of setup and configuration (both KSU and Voicemail)? More importantly, what hardware would I need to accommodate the T1 and number of lines from the CO.

Any recommendations are appreciated!