I have a DS2000 that has a 2004 4 hour card. I am pretty familiar with the system and have the cord and software...

But it doesn't really help with the voice mail system...

The 4 hour card should be way more than ample for the perhaps 7 minutes of greetings and menus on our 20 extensions... but some way, some how the system memory is shrinking. The system reports voice mail full when we have not more than 15 minutes of voice messages on the system. We have checked every extension from 300 to 330 (all that we have) and also box 600 which curiously had a very old message on it...

People say now and then that they left a message that we never got. Some of that is a lie and maybe some is real. Somewhere along the years, there MUST be a glut of old misrouted recordings but I cannot for my life figure out where they could be. In poking around via ext 700, I have found that there are empty boxes from 701 through about 710 - I didn't look further.

MY local NEC tech doesn't have a solution other than to "wipe" the card and re-record all of our menus and messages but that would be a huge and costly effort, and he isn't sure that would do it. He said it isn't a failure of the hardware or we would have other issues. This is the only issue with this system...

Really frustrated and need some advice, please. Thank you in advance for your ideas.