I need some help I will try to do my best to explain what the issue is
I am programming a TDA 30 and a TVM 50 for an oilfield trucking company. They have a nortel MICS that I am removing
They are running AA front end
I programmed CS menu 1 to speak to dispatch dial 1
speak to admin dial 2
dial 1 goes to ICG 604 extention 110 and 111 are the members in the group
When 110 or 111 are busy I want to paly a busy greeting and then have the VM transfer the call back to camp on 110 and 111
I talked to tech support he says that the caller has to leave a messge the VM cant transafer the call back the the extentions
Oilfield guys wont leave messages they will sit on hold for an hour before hey leave a messge
They want the no answer calls to over flow to an on call cell phone
I tryed to have the calls go directly to ICG group remove the busy forward, but the forward no answer timer kicks in and the call forwards to the cell they dont what that in the day
The big question that I have is there any way to have callers camp on or park or be in queue to ring when the user hangs up
Thanks i hope the you can understand this