Taske does not record calls. I have used Oaisys many times with Toshiba (I just recently had to get certified due to changes with their support). It's still integrates well with Toshiba, even if Toshiba wants to promote another company after it's sale to Mitel.

Oaisys connects to Toshiba by a CTI link so you get cradle to grave call details. If you want reports then you would want the Tracer rather then the Talkument. The Oaisys Tracer includes a few more features then the Talkument like Reports and live call monitoring.

But the reports in Oaisys are not as in-depth as the Taske reports. You won't find the reports you want, such as on-hold, Answer time, or abandon calls with Oaisys. These reports focus on number of calls an call duration. You can see all the details within a recorded call, but not a statistical report on the hold times.

With most of our customers that need both a system with detailed reporting and call recording, we propose both the Oaisys Talkumnet and the Taske Reporter.