Originally Posted by Dukester
I assume if you are off premise, it has to be IP based system. I had a tech out the other day looking at our system and he commented that our system (CS 200 on premise, all digital or analog phones) is the kind that he takes out, replaces with an IP based system, then comes back to reinstall because customer is disappointed with the new system. Any truth to that?


By off premise he is referring to hosted / cloud based. The reality of it is that VOIP works like a charm if everything involved is configured correctly. The instances where systems are ripped out and the old digital system reinstalled are almost always the result of network or circuit problems.

Typically on premise VOIP deployments suffer from network issues and Hosted / Cloud based systems suffer from circuit related issues.

We install Shoretel systems. We have monstrous premise based Shoretel IP systems out there and the customers absolutely love them. We also have Shoretel Connect Cloud deployed and those customers love them as well. The bigger customers get a dedicated end to end circuit and the calls are crystal clear. On top of that the integration with Outlook, Mobility functions, Contact Center capability etc all lead to tremendous productivity gains.

Clear as mud?? grin

Bottom line is

Last edited by upstateny; 04/01/16 09:11 AM.