Hey There I am the Network Admin and handyman here at a smaller company that just got acquired by a bigger fish.

We have an Inter-Tel Axxess 8.223 system that has been running smooth for years.
Last week I got a Sys Alarm #203, I shut down system and restarted and all was good.

I got another Sys Alarm #203 today, I did shut down and restarted, but this time, the EVMC stays dark. A Power Supply in the second cabinet was making a horrible buzz, I replaced the PS with a Spare and reseated the EVMC No Joy. Another shutdown and reseated the CPC, T1 and the EVMC, No luck. The system comes up but the EVMC stays dark and the Monitor never displays any information, (Normally I see the OS/2 Warp booting and loading mailboxes...).

I connected with Session Manager, but a screen pops up saying the CP node has been programmed to have voice mail... The Voice Mail Unit has failed. Would you like to disconnect Voice Mail? So I say NO and session manager quits.

Does anyone have any advice on how to kick start a EVMC?
Is it worth trying to buy a used EVMC, move our PAL and try to restore a DB backup?
Is it time to bite the bullet and replace our Phone system?

Thanks in advance.