Originally Posted by phonman123
From what I read,this law from Texas is only set for "public" phone systems. Mostly hotels. I would think schools for sure.
From what I've seen Texas has required this already.

Here's an excerpt from the press release on the new law that went into effect May 2015-
The law requires direct 911 dialing from multiline telephone systems — like the ones in hotels and offices — where you would normally have to dial another number first to get an outside line.
So basically any phone system that has a code to access an outside line has to be fixed.

We got notice a while back from a corporate lawyer that the FCC is also looking into make this a federal law.


Actually here's a better post about the law-

Direct access to 9-1-1 service and multi-line telephone systems.

For a multi-line telephone system that provides outbound dialing, Kari's Law requires direct access to 9-1-1 service without the user having to first dial an initial number, digit, prefix or other access number or code before dialing 9-1-1. On March 1, 2016 the Commission on State Emergency Communications adopted Rule 251.16 (Direct Access to 9-1-1 Service) to implement Kari’s Law.

Compliance with Kari’s Law is required by September 1, 2016.

Last edited by Genesiscomm; 09/15/16 08:39 AM.