Today I added a Pri to an existing system. I believe the software is 2.16 . I have a route programmed to Ring 5 extensions during the day and ring a single extension at night that is a SLT. I have the SLT forwarded to a speed dial bin for their the after hours answering service. The problem is that I don't think the forwarding is working because it's a did route.

The solution I came up with is to have the slt ring into a co port the set the forward timer to 2 seconds and set the vmid digits to another slt extension that is forwarded to the speed dial bin. Then I have the mailbox of the digital dispatch set to forward to the extension.

This does work but when you call in you hear "please hold while I transfer you" and the the call is completed .

I'm hoping for a simpler solution to my problem. If I upgrade to ver. 4.11 do I get to set call forwarding destinations for DID routes? Is there any way to do this without upgrading?

Thanks for any help