Well, I had it all setup with DIL and VE's, after lots of work, gnashing of teeth and support, including yours. But discovered I can't get the contact closure I need for the existing bells.

So now I'm going to do the Normal with IRG method and get a line voltage bell to connect to an SLT port. Begin-RANT: I'm so frustrated right now with this thing I could spit. The simple act of making a bell ring shouldn't be so difficult. I hate to say it. The old systems I used to work on had a pair on the output block called "auxillary ringer". Just connect to it and program Yes for the extension. End-RANT.

I do appreciate your help Coral Tech. I guess I don't see the third ring group. I'll look at it in the morning.


Last edited by Yoda; 02/26/17 11:06 PM.