I would suggest that you have your three options route to virtual extension numbers. Put a call coverage (virtual extension) button on the two phones you want to ring and they will both ring when that option is selected. Put buttons to those virtuals on the other four phones as well - but set them to delayed ring.

So when the caller selects option 1 - you have an unscreened transfer to a virtual number (i.e. 255) then extensions 101 and 102 which have that programmed on a button will start ringing immediately. The other four extensions which have 255 programmed as virtual with delayed ring, will start ringing after whatever time you set.

You could do this for the other two options as well - simply using different virtual numbers.

Any time I do some sort of custom ringing setup on NEC equipment - it seems simplest to use virtual extensions.

That said, there are many on this board far more experienced and wiser than I - so if someone has a better solution, please post.