To upgrade from 1.0 you first have to load the GS86M20AD_kernel.rom and G86M20Ai-App.rom files. Kernel first, ROM second.
You then have to login to the Remote maintenance terminal via RS232 or TCP/IP and at the maint prompt enter the command "q t chtype". You should get am "eMG80 ISFileBasedLicenseInstalled=Yes" response. If not you would have to contact Vertical or a distributor to get the Summit 2.0 base license file.
Then you have to upload the new rom files. They have a different name format. The original release 2.0 files were S-eMG80MPB-Rls1502-1.0.4-ker.rom and S-eMG80MPG-tmp1503-1.1.9-app.rom.

Once the 2.0 files are installed you should be able to upgrade to the current version.
All the software and the "TT Summit Upgrade P1 to P2 Software.pdf" file are available on the Vertical FTP stie. The software is in the software section and the PDF is in the TECH DOCS section.