In the last year or so I've stepped into the role of Telephony admin when lost our former admin sudenly. I've been trying to learn as I go.

We have multiple different systems at various locations, I'm mostly familiar with our Avaya and ESI systems.

We have a Vodavi XTS phone switch with a Talkpath vm. Recently we had to do a reload after losing the configs. The system was stuck in night mode and played the afterhours message, until we set up a DND button on the attendant extension. Now it plays the correct day message, but it never plays the afterhours message, even after confirming the time was correct on the switch and the VM.

I’m using the Talkpath revised technical manual and Admin 3.20 software, and after reading up on the Time Controls, realized the Time Controls are currently set to default.
I want to set up the time controls, but I have no internal documentation for the settings, nothing to compare to, and the technical manual doesn't give any examples besides the defaults. Note, we are not setting the Start/End Date on any of them.


Time Control 1
Action: Menu 100
Start Time: 08:00 End Time: 17:00
Days: MTWThF

Time Control 2
Action: Menu 120
Start Time: 00:01 End Time: 23:59
Days: MTWThF

Time Control 3
Action: Menu 120
Start Time: 00:01 End Time: 23:59
Days: Sat. Sun.


Time Control 1
Action: Menu 120
Start Time: 00:01 End Time: 07:59
Days: MTWThF

Time Control 2
Action: Menu 100
Start Time: 08:00 End Time: 17:00
Days: MTWThF

Time Control 3
Action: Menu 120
Start Time: 17:01 End Time: 23:59
Days: MTWThF

Time Control 4
Action: Menu 120
Start Time: 00:01 End Time: 23:59
Days: Sat. Sun.

Based on my experiences with other types of phone switches, I’m leaning towards Option two, but as I have no configs documentation, nothing to stare and compare to, and couldn’t find anything in the manual or the forums, thought I would run it by the guys with experience.

Also, if there are any quirks you know of when configuring the Time Controls, would appreciate a heads up.
Thanks in advance.