You had a rowboat? We had a piece of plywood with 2 Styrofoam bales tied to the bottom when we pulled the cable. I guess it was in the 70s. We would float merrily along under the docks trying to attach cable til one of the big yachts would cruise through and the wake would bounce us up against the bottom like a cork, lost multiple tools to the briney deep trying to hold on. What a job, switch room was below sea level and when tide was up there would be 2 feet of water. Another memory, pulled our console and Mr/MW cables (100prs) and coiled in corner of switch room, someone thought they would make a nice toilet and did a #2 in/on them. Pizza parlor was downtown as I recall. We were there in prime time couldnt find a place to stay except a night or two at different places. Remember were there when JAWS was released. Ah, those were the days.