I have attempted to limit access by country but that get work intensive to up date every month.
Right now it it 37,000 rows of Ip's for just China,Hong Kong. and Russia.

Also the forum is getting a little large and the red numbers you see that count how many unread posts causes a huge hit on the site.
I had it disable and then turned it on for a while.
Well now I turned it back off.

Think about it for every single user visit it recalculates how many you have not read.
We have 633,000 posts that are indexed for every visitor every time they visit.
It still indicates the unread posts but does not display how many.

I also am pursuing using a cdn which caches the views and speeds it up.
But there is a cost and finding one that will work well for us is difficult. without trying one..
And they come with a monthly cost.

There is no such thing as stupid questions.
Just stupid answers.