If I can trust my memory (increasingly difficult these days) the pins were all straight through. But I do recall that on some applications, the length of the expansion KSU cable was critical. I once had a Triad-1 with an EKSU that had to be mounted far away from the BKSU because of space and had continuing problems until I re-installed everything according to the specs. As far as the XTS goes, I only had 4 customers with an MPB-2 and don't recall the LMU cable ever being as long as 8'. But I still have one user left and can measure that cable for you the next time I am out to their site if that helps. Whether or not you could make a shielded 32-pair cable using two lesser shielded ones would work, I don't know. But you may have no other choice.

- Dave S. -

You can never appease your ideologue opponents.