About 4 or 5 years ago, I moved a customer into a space that one of my existing customers moved out and they brought their talkswitch 240 which I upgraded to a 480. Monday, the box decided to lose outbound voice on trunks. There are 3 analog trunks and you can hear the tones on the phones, just not on the trunk side. I didn't test to see if the voice cut through after timeout.

So, bottom line. Anyone have a TS-240/480 anything lying around or a path to repair? I think we're going to hit ebay for a fix. The TS-350i phones only talk to a Talkswitch controller and the customer is not fond of buying 6 new phones.


edit: Well, problem solved. The customer bought a new phone system. Fast track scheduled for Friday.
It appears that Fortinet bought the Talkswitch line and all of the old contacts disavow ever selling it LOL
Of course, the TS-350's only talk to the TS controller....

Last edited by Carl Navarro; 10/07/20 10:54 AM. Reason: Update