The not so big secret is that Panasonic is discontinuing their TDM product. I have some TDA stuff, did not train on TDE or higher because I went to IPPBX's, and that, along with my driver's license is why I decided it was time. However, I still have about 7 functioning hospitality systems, a string of retail stores, and a few other Panasonic systems that I maintain.

I have a medium sized Panasonic customer that went hosted and he gave me back his system. That's part of my garage shelf collection. My undersized ham shed, office, is loaded with monitors, pc's, and current projects: the two Grandstream UCM's, my Raspberry Pi Incredible PBX system, my Yeastar S-series system, and various IP phones, and my Panasonic office system. Oh yeah, I have several Homaco 50M frames that will probably be sold for scrap.

In my slowdown, I'm interested in AREDN, Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network, but my spot in Ohio has a huge hole from Mansfield to anywhere! Maybe by the time I learn, I'll have company with other hams.
