Our Exchange system is programmed to accepts attached files up to 40MB. This allows for recordings to voicemail to email of a bit over on hour in length. In the past, whenever someone exceeds this limit, I (as programmed EM Administrator) have received an email telling me that a voicemail to email delivery had failed due to size.

Something has changed. Files half that size are not being delivered. I am not receiving notification and Exchange doesn't even see the attempts to send the email. Enterprise Messenger (EM) makes several attempts to deliver the voicemail by email.

Here is an example of the error I receive.

2011/10/04 10:36:53:802 MAIL_REPORT:10 ASSOC:
LEVEL: INFO DESC: SMTP Delivery Failure
INFO: Domain: mail.company.com, SMTP: localdomain, From: [email protected], To: [email protected], Error Info: 417 Temporary delivery error, Error in function {CreateFileMapping}

The same users receive voicemail attachments in email if the size is much smaller (seconds or a couple of minutes). The manual says this error is caused by programming errors for the email gateway. If this were true, then none of the email or faxes would be delivered. It only affects large voicemail attachments.