Originally posted by PCHD:

Pressing the MSG button simply sends her to the voice mailbox and asks for a passcode. No otehr information was reported as being given by the system.
Have you seen this for yourself or has this just been reported to you. If she stays on hook, (i.e. - does not hit speaker or pick up the handset first), and hits the MSG key it "should" give her an indication of what is notifying her message light.

Originally posted by PCHD:
That's kind of the long way around. The user would like to be able to just press the MSG button to get to her voice mails.
And yes, going into voice mail with the pilot number and * and her passcode does get her into her voice mailbox.
This was recommended purely to double check her mailbox password settings. Once she logs into her mailbox this way, she can confirm whether she has any messages or not. If she does not, then something else is definitely lighting her message light. If she does have messages, I would recommend that she clean them out to see if there is any change with the message light on her phone.