<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Toner:
Tony, you sound like a Samsung salesman! Personally I think the Name/Number table is a feature with very few applications since most CLID comes with a name anyway, but that's only my humble opinion.</font>

Do you deal mostly with analog lines or T1 and or PRI lines?

A lot of regular analog lines have caller ID however T1 and PRI lines its not so common.

Many phone companies charge hundreds of dollars extra just to add the name. They call this " Deluxe caller ID'.

There have been certain situation when dealing with a long distance T1(LDT1) where you could only get a number and not a name.

We are not talking about adding a name to the station phone. We are talking about having the system associate a name with a phone number that will appear on your phone when that person calls.

For example, let’s say normal you only get this caller ID information.


However you know that number is actually belongs to Sundance communication.

You can program the name “Sundance communications to associate to 814-555-5547"

So next time they call you, your phone will read
“Sundance communications"
“817-555-5547 "

In situation where you don't deal with the general public and have a customer list. You can add your own caller ID name every time a certain number calls. For example, if Samsung added all the dealers in their network to this program, they would know exactly which dealer office is calling them on their caller ID even if no name was provided from the phone company"

I think it’s a cool feature that I have not seen listed on any of its competitors.

Most phone systems do pretty must the exact same thing such as park, page, transfer, conference, music on hold, voice mail, etc... However this number-to-name translation tables it’s a really interesting feature that seems very rare.

I’m not saying that only Samsung have this feature. That is why I posted this topic to see which other system did it however it turns out that Samsung seen to do it best from what I have read. I would like to know if any other systems include this ability.