I need some help please...

I have been using my ASA on my Definity G3si v11 for a couple of years now. My ASA is 1.11.8

Since December 2004, I have had trouble getting into the ASA. I have dialtone on my line, I have a working modem for dialup. I dial in and the screen goes to give me a Login: prompt and I get a variety of numbers, letters and symbols that come up. No matter what I try to type, these rows of jibberish keep running and I cannot get in.

It seems like I have noise on the line. I am working in an office above a manufacturing area but nothing new is in the building. Avaya says it's internal but we've changed out all wires and cables and still no resolution. I've checked all over the company and no new equipment or higher voltage things are running. There is nothing different in the building that I can find.

My login looks like this all of the time.

Login: %$RD$(8F5Ds5^&*hj87*y*Yb 8Y*&BY Z8iYB* *BYz8&ZB *(&ZB9*&NHZ89Zyb&^zt*&YZ98n )(NH&87^&89N&U*N(&*(*(z

Then suddenly, once in a while I can get in with a normal login prompt and all is well and I can use the ASA. Also at times I am in and then I lock up and cannot get around in it and have to drop ASA and the line.

I'm at a standstill, does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone delt with this before?

Thanks in advance! Rhonda

To Succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone. ..Reba McEntire