found new floppy drives that can be used in SX-200D & 200light more info to come testing drives

new drives work fine with a little solder pm me for mod

update 2

I have found that Sony mpf 920/z/121 floppy drives will work in the sx200d & sx200light If you remove the Back cover of from the mpf920 & locate jc 31 & remove the 0 ohm
resistor. on the jc 30 use solder to bridge this one.
Install the drive on the card. this is for the 200D

On the 200 Light use the above in drive A & use one
that is not modified in for drive B
These drives Cost about $10.00ea.

ALPS DF354H121 can be used also. The cost is about $10.00 ea
the drive select are easly changed thru opening on back

.I found this Mod on an ATARI web site were they had pics #3 & #4