A colleague introduced me to a very nifty software the other day. I am not sure if any of you use any of the instant messaging services that are out there, and I am sure I am not the only one that started using one of them and before you knew it, another IM service was available. So to keep up with friends, family or even customers, you found yourself connected with many different IM services at the same time.
Well this software which is free from
https://www.Pidgin.im What is Pidgin?
Pidgin is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging client that allows you to use all of your IM accounts at once.
Pidgin can work with:
* Bonjour
* Gadu-Gadu
* Google Talk
* Groupwise
* MySpaceIM
* QQ
* Sametime
* Yahoo!
* Zephyr
Pidgin is free software. It is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. This means you are free to use it and to modify it, but if you distribute your modifications you must distribute the modified source code as well.
It can organize all of your different IM accounts into one centralized managed application. Works great for our office, as we use at least 4-5 different IM services such as AIM, Yahoo, MSN and Google's IM software. I know there are at least 15 or so IM services that it will work with too, and probably more that aren't listed.
Just thought I would pass this along in case any of you want to give it a try. I am using it and it keeps me from having all the different IM applications open at one time.
aka The Phone Lady
:dance: :thumb: