first of all, check link lights on your computer. If you are using a cross-over cable, and are directly input to the switch, then you should have link lights, and those link lights indicate good connection on both sides. Otherwise, check your switch/hub for link lights. Next, Ping the switch from your laptop. you can access this by using Run from the start menu and typing CMD or command to get a command prompt, then type "Ping -t" this will start a continuous ping. If you have 10 successful pings then you are good. If you get no pings, then reset your KSU. If you still cant ping then re-address your switch or system or both. If you get only 5 or 6 pings back then reset the KSU. After a IP address change the switch will sometimes reply to a few pings, but will need a reset.
If you have all successful pings but still cannot connect then it may be a security problem with the PC you are running. XP Home, and certain firewalls CAN, but dont always cause problems with OfficeServ. Last thing to do is to download the latest OfficeServ software and patches from . Sometimes a version mismatch can prevent it from communicating.