Ok, so on the off chance the battery was the issue I ordered a fresh Lithium Battery
with tabs. It arrived yesterday and today I decided to install on the mother board.
Removed old and soldered in new. Also replaced the CR2032 battery on the
Voice Mail card. Connected a phone for Ext 100. Moment of truth!!
Flipped the on switch!!! ............................
System powers up, all blinky lights.

Display on phone>>>>
Nothing has changed. I am thinking that the problem is greater than the battery.
Removed all cards and powered up. No change!! (Expected)
Swapped the Station cards. No Change!!

Tried to do a system reset by holding SW1 on power up!! No Change!!

Tried to do a Default to Factory with Switch 8 on SW5!! No Change!!

Ok, So I am tapped out on what would be next to try.
Any extra thoughts out there?? Mother Board
?? Thanks for any input!!