Originally posted by windy13:
Originally posted by PhoneSol:
[b] hmmmmm I seem to have seen some blue backlit 24 and 48's SST! I think you're onto something! :banana:

Back to the CS issues with Gambit, we've had numerous HD failures in the 600 and 1000's recently, some are fairly new, another was over a year old. Looses ports, VM goes flaky and you loose all of the prompts. Believe me when I say the gang is not happy @ Phone Solutions.
Saw the same problem with hard drives 10 years ago, we had a bad run with a manufacture called Telekol. If my memorary is correct, this happened when they went to "maxtor"

Windy [/b]
The ones we're having issues with are Fujitsu, and we've had more than our share of failures.

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