Any time you make any kind of IP address change, reboot the phone system.

The address is the default-out-of-the-box IP address on the phone IIRC. Reboot the phone switch, configure the phone with an IP address of 80. whatever and try the test again.

Run the SNMP diagnostic report so you can see what IP addresses phones are using. Pay particular attention to subnet and gateway. I'm thinking you have a route issue back to the phone system. Phone reboots are usually caused by 1) Losing the TCP connection to the switch; 2) Losing power to the phone. If you're using PoE switches, that could indicate a failing switch or bad ports.

Where have you told things about VLAN tagging? It needs to be either 'tagged' to a VLAN number everywhere, or not tagged at all. The best filtering method for a VLAN with this equipment is to make it related to Iwatsu MAC addresses to keep unwanted aquipment out of the way.

PM sent regarding data base.

Sometimes the thoughts in my head get so bored, they go for a stroll through my mouth. This is rarely a good thing.