No, I did not use the same line cord. I used three (3) different lines cords and it still did not work. Here is what I found out this morning troubleshooting the voice mail. I connected a serial cable to the RS232 Port. Got in. It dumps these lines and errors. Have no idea what is is saying about the "FUNCTERM."


StarTalk Flash Diagnostics Started. Please wait.

NVRam Test: Passed
B84 Test: Passed
Program ROM: Passed
Voice Prompt ROM: Passed
Serial Port Start: Passed
DSP Test: Passed
RAM Disk Test: Passed
RAM Disk Start: Passed
ROM Disk Start: Passed
O/S Start: Passed
VFS Test: Passed
VFS Start: Passed
Timer Test: Passed

Version Code: 06JSL160,Spectra Canadian English/French
Starting StarTalk Flash Access/2
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm
!! Tel wait for Functerm

Please Check The KSU ports!!!

Base Alarm 014: Could not start Access2. Rebo!!t inl waig .or

StarTalk Flash Diagnostics Started. Please wait.

NVRam Test: Passed
B84 Test: Passed
Program ROM: Passed
Voice Prompt ROM: Passed
Serial Port Start: Passed
DSP Test: Passed
RAM Disk Test: Passed
RAM Disk Start: Passed
ROM Disk Start: Passed
O/S Start: Passed
VFS Test: Passed
VFS Start: Passed
Timer Test: Passed

Version Code: 06JSL160,Spectra Canadian English/French
Starting StarTalk Flash Access/2
!! Tel wait for Functerm


And after that it just keeps repeating itself with the same comments. I have two voice mail. One has version 2.0.10 and I believe that the ROM is damaged. The one I am trying to get working has version 1.4 and it is the one above that is not working properly. I believe I may either have to buy a new Flash, Card (ROM) or both. What makes me mad is I just got these StarTalk Flash three months ago.

Freedom Ain't Free...