Guys -

No, we weren't fooling around with the punch tool. I mean, when the guy hit the foot pedal he didn't have it seated on the block (I think he was doing it because the tool was jamming) but it just shot the blade right across the room.

As far as Hilti's go - I had one when I had my contracting business back in '74-'75. The last time we used it was when my guys went to hang a Cook 303 box on the wall in a factory in NJ. They took the template out of the box, taped it to the wall and levelled it. Then they went to shoot those shots that left a 3/8" stud projecting out into the (what they thought was a) concrete block wall. Well in NYC it would have been filled concrete block. In Lodi, NJ it was hollow Cinder Block. The shot blew a piece of the wall about the size of your fist right out of the wall and into the outside yard. Lucky no one was out there when it happened. That's the last time I ever used one.

"Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?"