"it's 10 dollars cheaper oer 1000' than CAT3."

That works out to $0.01/foot. Now all you have to do is install about a million miles of it & you can retire on the savings...

Cat 3 for tel, cat 5e for data. I once considered using just cat 5e for investment reasons, then I realised that no-one would want a larger diameter cable running along the baseboard in their house, & definately not blue or any other color. So, if I had to have 2 colors I might as well have the 2 proper types & do it right. Also not supposed to staple it, so for all the inside wiring that I do (residential) that would be nothing but a royal PITA to install.


Scientists say that the universe is made up of Protons, Neutron & Electrons. They forgot "Morons".
Dave. (CTUB) Canadian Techs Use Bix!