Good news for anyone in the Michigan area. is up and working SIP through and Edgemarc into and SBX, MP5000, WAVE, Partner ACS, Cisco, and get this.... a Merlin Magic if you can believe that.

All sorts of ways.. SIP to an Edgemarc and then PRI out of the Edgemarc into both Merlin and MP5000.
SIP into Edgemarc and FXS out into a Partner ACS and SBX.
SIP into Edgemarc and out to SBX via Ethernet (VoIP board)...

I'm in the process of documenting all the ways with screenshots of both Edgemarc settings and PBX pages.

If you want to try any of the senarios, feel free to email me.
[email protected]

The Tech of Southwest Michigan
Stevensville, MI

How do I get the blue smoke back into the system??