What instruments were you using, and what method of testing, pray tell, led you to deduce that you had a 28 volt POTS line?
Genius or not, (hint: "NOT") I would like to have an answer to my question, so that all of us may learn.

There are traditional methods and equipment for testing all the parameters of a POTS line. What method, and what equipment did you use?

Please answer the question about the CC company tech support, too. We'd like to avoid any contact with people like that. They make our lives more difficult than they need to be.

You're not an idiot if you're a phone man. Just trying to find out what your level of expertise is, so we may help you excel in your chosen field. Sorry if the questions rankled you.

Arthur the Dentist

Arthur P. Bloom
"30 years of faithful service...15 years on hold"