Pizza joints still ask for 1A2 to this day. We will do these installations, but it's almost impossible to obtain new phones anymore. The KSU is bulletproof, but the phones in this kind of environment get beat to death. Even a REALLY good refurbished phone has it's faults.

If we could still purchase new Western Electric 1A2 sets, we would probably be selling these systems to any food service business.

Let's face it, that's all they want, and usually all that they really need. Put a "fancy" 1A2 touch-tone phone in the manager's office and everyone is covered.

One more thought; pizza joints are usually "incoming-only", so rotary dial phones would cut down on employee's personal calls. The employees probably don't know which direction to turn the dial :dance: in this day and age! "Where's the SEND button on these phones?" Something for business owners to think about.

If anyone has any money to invest, maybe we could fire up the old Western Electric plants in New Orleans or Omaha where the good stuff was made. It would be nice to have an alternative to heavily-featured systems that customers can't understand, "just in case".