CCR options..Busy/no response/etc. Transfer directly to a mailbox. Same for overflow in Station groups.

Call logs for Hunt groups. very Handy

VM admin & system admin from more then just the Attendant phone. also admin from a softphone/ip phone. Makes remote admin easier.

Proper passwords for ftp. The existing one is a security problem.

Softphone. NETDSS on a key doesn't help, it should say the extension number. I've not tried the separate pc running the blf manager, but it sounds a bit clumsy, and requires a pc.

Names, It would be nice to have the same setup as a cell phone. Press 2 three times for c, instead of pressing 2, then press 3 for the third digit.

Get rid of the blinking light on CFNA and DND. Way too distracting. same on Flex keys. The display already says it's forwarded!

Speed dial access. Who is going to search the speed dial for an internal extension? External dial by name is option 3, you can't even see it when you dial by name. It should be option 1.


PGM 227 authorization. Allow duplicates in remote PC admin.

smtp vm settings. programmable port settings. Many ISPs now restrict port 25.

sip port 5060 not adjustable.It looks like it is but doen't work in PC admin. I don't know about doing it on a keyset.

Flex key access to remote mailboxes on networked systems. also a msg light on the key.

Get rid of the high pitched beep on certain functions and when accessing admin etc. maybe a lower pitched beep?

When programming a speed dial, if your first digit is a star (*) key, it turns on display security? Maybe some other digit or nothing? Right now you have to press pause or D-tone to just have a star at the front of the dialing string. We use it for provider voicemail access (*98), co call forward cancel *73 etc.

Cheaper network license costs and voib cards. The costs currently limits sales.

easyset-needs a redesign. so does Nomad.

PC attendant? LG LDK has one.

iphone/android/smartphone softphone app?

I'll leave it at that. If all the ideas on this posting were applied to this system can you imagine how many more sales it would generate?