I stumbled upon this BB trying to get more info, this is a GREAT PLACE for knowledge!

I manage a small Axxess system and know a bit, but I have a few holes in my library of knowledge on what may be simple issues. I am trying to setup a test system so I can train others on the Axxess, nothing major just the basic stuff.

I bought a spare system with the NT 4-port voicemail, but I am not sure if it is complete. I have UM so I have a dongle, the new VM is a v5.118, does it need a dongle for the VM computer?

Also a question on the software. I am pretty sure all my cards are "flashable", that is as far as I go with the info. If a person was to upgrade the firmware is it as simple as just flashing the cards and putting in the new PAL chips??? And are PAL's backwards compatible? Like would a v6 work for a v5 install or do they have to be exact?

I appreciate any help that can be given!