Originally posted by DnRComm:
At my home, I do the same thing, but my recording attempts to sell them a Telephone system for there office. I think it is very Ironic.
:rofl: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, grdnwsel:
As for the SIT tone, I took a .wav file that played the sit tone and converted it to an .r24 file. Then inserted it on the AxxessoryTalk. To do that you need to trick the system since you're inserting a file that it doesn't have knowledge of.

The easiest way is probably to do a search for sit.wav on google, then play it into the phone when you create a recording for your application. If you don't get a clean recording let me know and I'll give you the instructions on how to insert it.

UPDATE: I just found a good clean copy of an SIT wav file on my laptop. If you'd like a copy PM me an email address. I'll send you the .wav and the .r24 file.