Inter-Tel 9.006
DB Studio 1.53
Keysets: Executive 550.4500

Disclaimer: I'm not a phone installation professional, but I've got several years maintaining an existing system as the IT Administrator. Most of the time I only learn about a feature when it needs to be fixed or modified.

I have a group of employees that will need to have access to 2 separate hunt groups simultaneously. I was looking for a way that they can see and answer calls from both hunt groups simultaneously without logging in/out every time. That sounds highly inefficient, not to mention quite annoying.

My thought was that I could do something with the programmable keys, similar to, say, how you can answer an incoming calls for multiple lines. Press button #1 to answer from hunt group A and press button #2 to answer from hunt group B. However, I can't come up with how I might do this for hunt groups.

It's possible this can't be done, but does anybody have any suggestions?
