So, will anyone tell us what Procom is used for?

I've used the free Hyperterminal that comes with the evil empire software and I've had no problems with it. Is Procom supposed to do the same thing or is there any reason that Procom is better or worse?

We got started on this because of someone asking for a copy of Procom and at this point we still don't know if it is supported or not and if we should pay for it or not and if it will run on evil empire software or not. Anyone want to jazz up this topic with actual facts?

I compared downloading music with sharing phone software. As far as XXX lyrics goes about killing cops and beating women, anyone who promotes that with a filthy mouth deserves to have their toilet mouth attempt at entertainment bankrupted.

Let the kids grow up with role models of baseball players that don't use steroids instead of a cop killing wife beater. Seems simple to me unless you want kids to join a gang and get killed before they drop out of middle school. Kids should live, go to school, become a success, not a filthy mouth wife beater. Maybe I'm just old fashioned in thinking children should be successful and happy instead of being dead gang bangers. A filthy mouth day after day doesn't make you a desirable member of society.

THE Bracha, old blond specialist in Rube Goldberg solutions.