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I would think that AT&T would be the go-to under these types of disasters. My thinking is a great number of # 5 Ess are still in service that they Built.
Bell companies and the larger independents have had mobile COs for decades, in fact one of the most notable independent efforts was when GTE's (Then General Telephone) in Richmond, IN had a major fire. Automatic Electric had a switch trucked in from their factory in the Chicago area and the town was back in service in no time. Of course, that was back in the 1950s, so my depiction of 'no time' probably wouldn't fly these days.
The Bells have had other forms of disaster recovery equipment on wheels for even smaller issues. Before cell phones, it was not uncommon for them to roll out a truck equipped with banks of pay phones. This happened most frequently during major cable cuts.
after 9-11 they deployed the NDR team to Jersey City which is right across the river. I lived in Jersey city at the time and was able to get a first hand look at the operation...really impressive....I also found it cool that I was able to meet some of the people I had been working with remotely
I wonder what the cable companies do to restore their telephone service in a case like Joplin as they don't have a culture of timely service restoration like the telco's do.
Pretty interesting and more in-depth than I imagined. I knew about the mobile units but I wasn’t aware that an actual team existed. This almost looks like a holdover from the days of Ma Bell and the Bell System. I found a link that that gives some additional details.
Originally posted by mbhydro: I wonder what the cable companies do to restore their telephone service in a case like Joplin as they don't have a culture of timely service restoration like the telco's do.
One thing about YouTube is the never ending plethora of douche bag comments from people without a clue whatsoever.
"It takes AT&T 2-3 Days (1:18~) to get service back up? How about not letting it go down in the first place, o wait that would be disaster preparedness not recovery LOL"
Really??? A major tornado rides through town and you expect zero infrastructure downtime????? Moron.