This isn't a matter of "Embarq with a Q". Centel and United Tel properties that were bought by Sprint still operate under separately tariffed rate structures and policies. Just because they operate under the same brand name (soon to become CenturyTel), they aren't all the same companies with regard to what you can and cannot receive.

What Centel offered in the Florida Panhandle and what United offered in Central/SW Florida is a matter of what the two separate companies once offered.

This is the same with Verizon and it's numerous Bell Atlantic and GTE territories reaching nationwide. We have GTE/Bell Atlantic boundaries on opposite sides of the street where two different rates and feature plans are provided. At one time not too long ago, we had areas where a call across the street was long distance. Same telco name, but different rules based upon pre-approved rates and policies under the old brand names.

Oh boy, this is a mighty old thread. Sorry for the completely unrelated tangential post.