I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct forum or not, but guess it will get moved if it is wrong.
Anyway I was having a discussion with one of our local Telco linemen the other day, and one thing lead to another, and we started talking about tying knots. Well in the sense of the industry tying of knots...nothing other!! HA!! HA!!
He showed me a very neat website that will actually train you in how to tie just about any type of knot you can imagine. You just click on the specific knot you want to learn and it actually goes through each loop, turn, pull, twist etc in an animated process on screen. Here is the link to the site:
https://www.animatedknots.com/index.php?Log...imatedknots.com There's an awesome feature to the site that shows each knot in automation, normal, mirror,inverted, , and rotated.
Also there is another forum site more specific to the Lineman industry in case anyone wants to check anything further to that industry. That website is:
https://www.line-man.com I am not trying to encourage anyone from leaving this forum website, as this is DEFINITELY the MOST informative forum site I have ever seen and used. I am merely trying to add additional sites that may come in handy for that area of the industry.
I know I used the knot tying website for some of my own craft projects, not even related to work too. Anyway, I hope someone finds this site as interesting and helpful as I did.
Happy "Knot Tying"!!