After several years of TWC TV and broadband, I have to admit that I have few complaints. They don't have the 'uptime of the ILEC, but the ILEC doesn't have the distributed 'inside/out plant' the the cable companies have. That said, I STILL will not opt for cable-phone. Here's why.
In the past several years the Century/Link POTS line failed once, last month. Turned in a trouble ticket via TWC broadband. Took 2 days, 'area wide outage', I suspect it was the SLIC hut down the road. The TWC failed COMPLETELY, turned in the Trouble ticket via POTS. 'Someone' (a tech) had totally disconnected both drops at the pedestal. Apparently someone in the neighbor hood hasn't been paying their bill. (Not Me) Took 5 hours. There have been failures of Broadband and/or TV every year or so, but they are usually repaired within 24 hours or less.
Now I suppose I could have waited for the cell phone to 'come home', but that copper line sure is a Godsend. And, as it turns out, so is TWC.