I am having an issue with a 500 w/ version 14.66 software so of course tech support won't talk to me without a PO. (They will be upgrading in the next couple of months). Customer has been up and running fine for years. They have 2 sites networked together. They mainly use it to share voicemail. Last week something happened and now in CLIS the UGWipx (v. 2.28) says wait_db. They power cycled the system but it did not help. Red LED won't go out. MG-15 card installed.
I am going to the site tomorrow to trouble shoot. I am planning on bringing another UGW ipx and MG15 with me to swap. IT guys says the private IP addresses assigned to signalling and media are good addresses. Any ideas of what to do would be appreciated. Has anyone seen this issue before?