Just got done setting up some IP phones that hang off of our SV8500. They are at a remote location, connecting to the system via vpn. They work great but they produce some (too strong) digital background noise under certain circumstances. The install is very fresh, and I only had a few minutes to play around with some test calls but this is what happens:
Our system is CCIS-connected to an old 2400ICS. When you call across this link, your speech travels via the VPN back to the headquarters building, to an IP PAD in the 8500, then CCIS over to the 2400ICS, then to the station. During moments of silence (no speech by either party), you hear a strong digital background noise (strong is relative, it's most obvious when you turn your volume up and nobody talks). It's stronger than any other combination of calling/called parties I've heard before. I'd imagine that some people would call it normal, yet, by the new users this was noticed immediately, and commented on. I need to reduce or eliminate this.
When you first pick up the IP phone, the dialtone is crystal clear. The phone is not picking up some electrical noise from nearby noise-sources. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to call different types of parties, like other IP phones at headquarters, to see if this shows up on IP-to-IP connections. I also haven't called other types, where the IP PAD would be part of the call, but not hitting the CCIS link, to determine if the noise is coming from the CCIS and/org the ICS2400. Hopefully I can determine that within 24 hours.
But anybody who has some advice, I would like to hear some of it.
When I worked with an Asterisk phone system in the past, our users thought many times that their call was disconnected, because that system completely silenced the line when nobody was talking. It was so unnatural for the users that I had to turn on a "Comfort noise" feature.
I think this time around, this comfort noise is too loud...