Hi folks,
Sorry for the long post:
So I have beat my head against the desk for this one. I have done some research from trying to find out what is causing the error. In the beginning I never looked further into MSXML 6.0 Parser because didn't see it in the add remove programs. After many failures I decided to look further into what it was as I had a feeling it was possibly the missing problem. I am using Windows 10 build 22H2 which is the latest build. It looks like in one of the updates to Windows 10 they have ingrained it into windows via a security patch and it can't be uninstalled.
I have tried disabling it through doing the following:
Giving myself admin access and making changes to the following folders that are normally locked by windows TrustedInstaller profile.
cd C:\Windows\System32 && regsvr32.exe /u /s msxml6.dll && ren msxml6.dll msxml4.save && ren msxml6r.dll msxml6r.save
cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64 && regsvr32.exe /u /s msxml6.dll && ren msxml6.dll msxml4.save && ren msxml6r.dll msxml6r.save
These commands unregister the DLL files then renames them. This should disable MSXML 6.0 but I'm still left with the same installation issue. Also, disabling MSXML 6.0 caused other issues as it disables the services.msc and also causes issues with office 365 programs.
Also, it is my understanding via
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/p...eplaced-msxml-security-update---ms02-008 that MSXML 6.0 Parser is included as part of the installation package of the following products:
Live Communications Server 6.0 - > Don't Have
Application Compatibility Toolkit 6.0 - > Don't Have
URGE 6.0 - > Don't Have
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 6.0 - > Have (could uninstall but will break other software)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 6.0 - > Have (could uninstall but will break other software)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 6.0 - > Reinstalled 100 times
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 6.0 - > Don't Have
Student/Encarta 2007 6.0 - > Don't Have
Zune software version 1.0 6.0 - > Don't Have
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 6.0 - > Have (could uninstall but will break other software)
I don't feel uninstalling the above software would uninstall MSXML 6.0 as they would just not work correctly without the dependency and Microsoft recommends to not uninstall it.
I feel that since MSXML 6.0 Parser is possibly the issue here but I thought by unregegistering the DLL's and renaming them I would have disabled it and would be able to reinstall. I am at a loss here unless anyone has any ideas.
I am starting to doubt anyone has this installed on Windows 10 build 22H2 or are possibly not applying security patches.
I might be able to VM a windows XP Machine but this would be not ideal as it would be using 10 - 20 gigs of HD for Toshiba software.

Also what was the latest version of Toshiba software for Windows XP NetworkeManagerV5.20B26.exe?
Most of all I appreciate the time and effort folks have given to help me thus far. Thank you!