We are having trouble with our phone system. There is an old voicemail system setup through the PBX box so I was told. I know nothing about these old phone systems myself. We have been using Rogers for our voicemail as far as I know for the past 3 years. Recently the power was shut off by the town to install a new meter outside and since then our phone calls no longer go to Rogers for voicemail and they have reverted to the old system. I have tried to access all of the custom messages in this old phone system to change them to our new information but there still seems to be at least one sneaky one in there giving the old information which is confusing our patients and aggravating the hell out of me...
Ideally, I would like to completely turn off the old phone system so our voicemails can continue through back to Rogers. The Rogers technicians have been here three times and done nothing as they will not touch the PBX box.
I was also told that previously there was some access to the old voicemail system through an IP address, which no longer works.
Is there anything I can do to shut down this PBX system so that Rogers can take over our voicemails again? Also, is there any way to avoid this issue from happening next time there is a power outage or power surge?
Thank you in advance for any advice or assistance you can offer

~ Adelle