We got a deferment during the Pandemic, but the FCC outlawed the resale of non-compliant MLTS's when Ray Baum and Kari's law was enacted. I was asked to reinstall an SX-50 last year and declined. In today's society when people want to sue everybody and their brother, it's not worth risking the liability for violating the law.
www.fcc.gov/mlts-911-requirementsOnce again, I've lost the World icon to attach the link.... Trying this
That's the rest if the information I could not immediately remember, then did a few hours later.
Kari's Law/Ray Baum Act. I re-read the FCC ruling and it seems a bit murky when dealing with the second-installation of used PBX/MLTS equipment, or NOS equipment manufactured prior to February 16, 2020, or maybe it isn't at all, and when I first re-read it in a drowsy state it seemed as such.
So I guess then my original inquiry is actually true, you can sell the used equipment but can't legally install it, at least in the USA.
Feb. 17, 2020 and later:
MLTS manufacturers, importers, sellers, and lessors:
May not manufacture or import for use in the United States, or sell or lease or offer to sell or lease in the United States, an MLTS, unless the system is pre-configured so that when it is properly installed in accordance with the MLTS rules, a user may directly initiate a call to 911 from any station equipped with dialing facilities, without dialing any additional digit, code, prefix, or post-fix, including any trunk-access code such as the digit 9, regardless of whether the user is required to dial such a digit, code, prefix, or post-fix for the other calls. (47 CFR § 9.16(a)(1).)
MLTS installers, managers, and operators:
May not install, manage, or operate for use in the United States an MLTS, unless the system is configured so that a user may directly initiate a call to 911 from any station equipped with dialing facilities, without dialing any additional digit, code, prefix, or post-fix, including any trunk-access code such as the digit 9, regardless of whether the user is required to dial such a digit, code, prefix, or post-fix for other calls. (47 CFR § 9.16(b)(1).)
Shall, in installing, managing, or operating an MLTS for use in the United States, configure the system to provide MLTS notification to a central location at the facility where the system is installed or to another person or organization regardless of location, if the system is able to be configured to provide the notification without an improvement to the hardware or software of the system.
(47 CFR § 9.16(b)(2).) MLTS notification must meet the following requirements:
It must be initiated contemporaneously with the 911 call, provided that it is technically feasible to do so; and It must not delay the call to 911; and It must be sent to a location where someone is likely to see or hear it. (47 CFR § 9.16(b)(2).)