Delayed AA's with embedded vm is a little tricky to do but here are some notes I have....
To set up embedded VM to delay answer during the day and immediate answer at night:
Here is exactly what you need to do for a day and night AA using the embedded vm..
Incoming Route: Main
Hunt Grp: Main
Add whatever members you want.
Group, CW enabled, no VM, Fallback: Time profile=Day hours, Night service=Night Attendant, Queue off
Overflow: Select the Attendant hunt grp.
Hunt Grp: Attendant
Users: add the phatom user you create called AttendantAgent.(3100 example)
Linear, CW enabled, no VM, Queue off
Hunt Grp: Night Attendant
Users: add phatom user you create called NightAttendantAgent.(3500 example)
Linear, CW enabled, no VM, Queue off
Users: AttendantAgent, 3100, no vm
fwd tab:fwd uncond., fwd number= *95, allias=DayAttendant or whatever you want to call it, it follows the shortcode. check the fwd hunt grp calls in this tab as well.
Users: NightAttendantAgent, all the same options except make the fwd number=*96, allias=NightAttendant (right click edit)
Short codes: