If you want my guess, it's because the producers of these "VOIP" systems have purchased major prepaid charge accounts at most golf courses where corporate CEOs tend to frequent. It's all a palm greasing thing.

Do you really think that the CEO of, oh let's just pick one: Schlotsky Industries really understands what he agreed to buy on the golf course? Of course not! He just heard "savings" and in a typical knee-jerk reaction, opened up the checkbook.

Lest we forget the "keeping up with the Jones" issue.

We can continue to fool ourselves into believing that this stuff really works and saves money, but come on........

VOIP has it's place and works fairly well in certain instances, but once again, it is not ready for prime-time. This is the third generation. How many strikes does one get in a baseball game?

When it works flawlessly, across the board with the industry-standard 99.999% uptime requirement for telephone service, I will welcome the technology with open arms and sell it to anyone needing a phone.