Now see, I completely agree with you. We unfortunately had a fallout with the local Samsung dealer and I was unable to find another one until I found this forum, which was all but like a week ago. I understand that if there was a problem with my phone system then I would lose thousands of dollars. The only reason I touched the cabinet is because I could not find anyone to help. The company that I bought a few items from a while ago said just to go ahead and install them. It was not that hard and I honestly do not regret doing it myself. My company is not afraid to pay for services that are rendered and in case of emergency I have two people on my mind to call now. CDML_Guy has offered his services and I found out from the Avaya rep that there is a new Samsung dealer about an hour and a half away. To me, this was a good idea, the voicemail installed flawlessly and I have gained a few more connections that are there to help me. Yes, one local dealer has lost a few dollars by not doing the install but whenever that Compact malfunctions, I am sure it will pay for it.